Emotional Release Ideas with the Essential 7

Young Living Product Blog by Kay Lynne

Essential 7

There are tons of ways to use the Essential 7 oils to help you release unwanted emotional burdens. Here are just a few ideas:

Have you ever suffered from nervous jitters? Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to your water to feel refreshed and relieved from your worries. It will invigorate your body and mind, and promote an overall sense of well-being.

Have you used peppermint for emotions? Peppermint essential oil can increase oxygen to the brain. With more oxygen to the brain, you will have clearer thinking, which will lift your mood and help you feel better about yourself. Just add a few drops to your water and drink it down.

Purification isn’t just to repel bugs. Citronella, lemongrass, rosemary, melaleuca, and myrtle can have powerful emotional effects on the body and brain. Put some Purification on your feet to help increase feelings of harmony and balance.

If in doubt about what to use for unwanted emotions, always reach for lavender. Lavender is the main oil for all of the emotions that bring us down. It will give you incredible feelings of self-worth and personal discovery.

Peace & Calming®
We all know and love Peace & Calming. It’s the blend I recommend to everyone to help calm the mind after a hectic day. Don’t forget to put it on kids who are agitated because of school stress or during long road trips.

Is an accident, death of a love one, trauma, or other pain taking a toll on your body? It only takes a few drops of PanAway to the area of tension to help release feelings of emotional trauma.

Apply Joy to your heart when you begin to feel sad. This is a great routine—especially for those who have trouble expressing their emotions. All you have to do is smell it, and the oils will lift your burdens. Rub the oil in your hands and breathe it in, letting it bring joy to your heart.

Note:  Young Living has discontinued the Essential 7 kit, since the writing of this article.  But, these oils are still available to purchase as individual bottles.  

Order your oils at EssentialEverydayOils.com

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