Brag Book Page 2

Bodacious Creations by Robert Baune


(2014) Customer was totally re-vamping her veggie garden.  She wanted raised beds for the blueberries and raspberries.  These are two sets of 3 six-foot long cedar boxes (a total of 6 boxes) that are footed so that they will not slide on the ground.  She wanted the  outer edge side that was not up against the fence to be like a seat.  The entire ledge is a sitting bench.  Boxes were installed one at a time and designed to “hook” together.


At the very edge of this photo on the left hand side, you can see a portion of a tall 6 foot box.  She used these for her raised strawberry beds.                       Image0115








These are closer pictures showing the detail of the blueberry/raspberry beds.  These are open bottomed boxes that we leveled for her so that when she filled them with dirt and plants, they would not warp.











She used our standart sized 6ft, 32″ tall planter boxes along one fence line (pictured on the right hand side) and a little bit away from the corner she put in the custom 18ft unit (pictured on the left hand side












(2016) more custom build, same style as from 2014 , but with a little modification.  These boxes are 12ft long.  The ground here is vastly uneven and she placed them ‘step style” 12 foot at a time to level them. (easier to do in 12 increments as opposed to 18ft increments) It is anticipated that raspberries are going to live here.   Red raspberries, black raspberries and goldend raspberries.   She is working on bordering her entire garden with raised boxes.

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(2017)  same style boxes as from 2016.  These two sections of 12ft boxes officially completes surrounding the perimeter of her over 100ft x 100ft garden.   We are really proud of her little farm.  Rumor has it that a double row of blueberry bushes is in the planning….  (more boxes going in opposite the original boxes in 2014!)  They really like blueberries!








Beau’s Herb Garden (early 2015) not yet planted all the way and not yet finished being cleaned it up.  What is pictured here are the regular (our first proto-type) potato boxes.  The bottom tiers have been planted with potatoes already and are awaiting the second tier to be placed on top as soon as the plants break through the ground on the first layer. Our potato box designs have since been modified to a more sturdy design.  (see our potato box page for a more current picture of what they look like now)




Potato boxes (pictured above) along the chain-link fence are custom sized to a narrower width so that they do not block a pathway next to the first strawberry bed. (we put in the strawberry beds first and had the after thought of the snow-pea boxes next to the fence)




More custom potato boxes pictured above are along the stone retaining wall.  Again, these are narrower in width to accommodate a walking path around the ends of the strawberry beds. Pictured below in the top right hand corner and the bottom left hand corner are some odd sized boxes that I made out of scrap boards for Beau to use!



Below is a view of the “bird sanctuary” that Beau established.  It also serves as the kitty entertainment center.  Our cats like to sit on the kitty tower that is inside, right by this window.  They love to watch the birds eat every morning.  Pictured here is a 4ft 16″high underneath the window that has flowering plants to attract the birds and bees.  There is a Bodacious Baby box with more flowers along the path leading up to the top.









Beau “needed” MORE ground to grow lettuces, but this path leading up to the Koi pond is not good dirt.  I donated a 6ft x 16″ high box so she can keep me in salads. She has herbs and lettuces growing along the top of that rock retaining wall and asparagus is in the boggy ground on the far side of the planter box.











A special kind of cucumbers are needed for sweeet pickles.  The little “mini munch” variety.  Three of the standard 6ft, 16″tall boxes with custom made cucumber vine trellises are along the front of the house.

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This is a 3×3 deep box with the front angled.  Fits  nicely into a “corner” spot.  We have it filled with a 10 ft dogwood tree.  Nothing but weeds and grass grows in our clay based “dirt”.  This dogwood looks really happy here!



Custom built Chicken Coop (2019)




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